Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ meetings with the Crown Prince and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan

Συνάντηση του Πρωθυπουργού Κυριάκου Μητσοτάκη με τον Διάδοχο του αυτοκρατορικού θρόνου, Πρίγκιπα Akishino στο Τοκίο. Δευτέρα 30 Ιανουαρίου 2023. (ΔΗΜΗΤΡΗΣ ΠΑΠΑΜΗΤΣΟΣ / Γ.Τ. ΠΡΩΘΥΠΟΥΡΓΟΥ)

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and his wife Mareva Grabowski-Mitsotaki had a meeting with the heir to the Japanese throne, Prince Akishino and Princess Akishino, in Tokyo.

During the meeting, the two sides discussed the challenge of climate change and the green transition. The Prime Minister had the opportunity to inform about Greece’s initiatives, especially the GR – eco islands initiative, which aims to transform the country’s small unconnected islands into models of green economy, energy autonomy and digital innovation.

Earlier, the Prime Minister met with the Speaker of the House of Representatives of Japan, Hiroyuki Hosoda.

The meeting focused on the will to upgrade and extend bilateral relations in all sectors. The Prime Minister referred to the positive performance of the Greek economy and the opportunities that emerge for Japanese businesses.

The two sides also discussed developments in Ukraine, international and regional developments, as well as the cooperation between Japan and Euro-Atlantic institutions. The Prime Minister stressed that revisionism and changing international borders through force cannot be tolerated. Referring to the Turkish provocations, he reiterated Greece’s steady position that good-neighbourly relations and International Law is the only basis to resolve differences among states.

The Prime Minister conveyed to Mr Hosoda the invitation by the President of the Hellenic Parliament Konstantinos Tasoulas to visit Greece.